I thought there was something that I should remember.
Something precious I should hold dear.
I thought there was a person, who should never leave from here.
If there was such a thing, something I can’t recall, could it really be so bad, if from my memory I let it fall.
Is it something dangerous, that I should fear deep down?
Or is it something else entirely, that I should let blossom on the ground.
Is it something that would die, if it left this place?
Or is it something prison bound, that wants to get away.
Should I leave this dreamlike state, and risk not knowing in the end?
Or should I stay here all my days, trying to remember then.
I should not go; I should not stay.
I should not hide; I should not pray.
Oh what, oh what, oh what should I do?
I do not remember, do you?
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