God Made the World by Hannah C. Hall

Published on 17 January 2019 at 09:45

We have all marveled at the beauty of the world around us. When brothers Clive and Ian go out on a picnic one day, they discuss all the wonderful, beautiful things God has made.
Join Clive and Ian on their picnic and be reminded of all the wonders God has made.

This book is a cute way for children to better understand what exactly the Bible meant when it said that God created the world. It’s also helpful to get young inquisitive minds interested in nature and the way the world works.

The illustrations are good, utilizing bright colors to simulate a summer’s day. The inclusion of the flowers, butterflies, and birds provide the scene with an overall peaceful feel. On the pages where Clive discusses the presence of nothing, the illustrations are dark, however, not so dark that it would be scary to the younger audience and both Clive and Ian are clearly visible.

The writing is thought-provoking while still being informative.

I thought this book was well written and constructed and would give it five out of five stars. I would recommend it to Christian families with young children.

I received my copy of this book from the publishers at Jellytelly Press for the sole purpose of providing an honest review and the image above is my own. 

Picture by Stephanie Tiner Instagram: @authorstiner

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