Our emotions are very powerful things. On any given day we will feel a wide range of emotions from embarrassment to unabashed joy. Appropriately, we desire to feel joy more often than embarrassment, however, emotions such as embarrassment, guilt, and feelings of inadequacies still infiltrate our lives.
While many people believe that shame is a singular emotion, however, several emotions can be classified as being in the shame family. In this book, Dr. Joseph Burgo will highlight the differences between destructive, toxic shame and beneficial shame that helps to build character and self-esteem.
We always try to avoid shame. It makes us uncomfortable and sad. Dr. Burgo launches his book by describing the differences between shame and SHAME; shame that's hurtful and shame that is helpful. I found this section of the book to be a pretty basic introduction to help readers approach the book by wading in. I was not surprised to read that embarrassment and guilt are a part of the shame family. Nor was I surprised that when we feel these emotions we exhibit outward signs that mirror each other, thereby linking these emotions.
Dr. Burgo than proceeds to explain different forms of shame and how some may be beneficial while others may be destructive. He also uses case studies to further his point and to allow his readers to connect to his argument.
I found this book to be unlike other books that I generally read. At times I found myself lacking interest in what he was saying, and the repetitive nature was somewhat irksome. At other times it was extremely intriguing. Because of these differing thoughts, I gave this novel five out of ten stars. I would recommend this novel to anyone who is seeking ways to improve their self-esteem.
I received my copy of this novel from Books Etc. For the sole purpose of providing an honest review and the image above is my own.
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