Sticks and Stones

Published on 23 February 2016 at 22:49

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

I, like so many others, grew up hearing this phrase. My parents told me to remember it if ever I was bullied. I wasn't supposed to allow mean words to hurt me. 

When I was older, I learned that words could hurt much worse than a broken bone, as well as take longer to heal. 
Words are powerful. They build cities, invent technology, and help to reduce poverty. They enforce laws, discover new places, and construct governments. They can also raise forests, demolish countries, and enslave people. They can inspire hate, breed unrest, and incite chaos.

Words are magical. They create heroines, ride dragons, and battle pirates. They grow friendships, inspire dreamers, and kindle hope. 

Words can bring people together or tear them apart. Words, spoken or written, English or French, have the power no stone or stick will ever have. 

We should always think about the words we use. 

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