I wanted to post something about the moon, but what really is there left to say about it? It has all been said at one point or another. It amazes me how the moon can mean so much to so many people. It is everywhere, for centuries. From literature to television, the moon has held a special place in the lives of millions of people. But why?
I have no idea. I don't even know why exactly the moon means so much to me, but it does. I feel like the moon is a close friend. Someone to talk to when everyone else is asleep. It makes the night less dark. when everything in life seems dark, it is there to remind me that the smallest amount of light can penetrate the darkness.
I have always felt more at home in the moonlight than in the sunlight. In a world that thrives on humiliation, the nighttime is the one time you can avoid all of the judgment, if you want to.
I have no idea what the moon means to anyone else. I know that the moon I look at in Missouri is the same moon that I used to look at in Colorado and it will be the same moon anywhere else that I go.
I do sometimes wonder if the moon would mean so much to me, if I hadn't grown up reading and watching it mean something to someone else. Weather I was nose deep into a good book that had a great moon scene or if I was watching Home Alone with my family, it has always been something that everyone else seemed to find magical. If I hadn't had that influence, would it still mean so much? I don't know, and quite frankly, I don't care. It means something to me now and it has for such a long time.
There isn't much left to say about the moon, it has all been said before, but that doesn't mean that it isn't still important.
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