Writing for the Internet

Published on 24 February 2021 at 00:01

​I must admit, I sometimes find it hard to find things to write about. I have always been told that I should write about things that I know, and the more I have actually lived it, experienced it, the better it will be. But here is the thing, there is a lot that I have lived through and experienced that I don't want to tell the whole world about, I don't want strangers reading. Is that selfish? Some might think so. But I feel that there are things that need to stay off the internet. Things that need to stay with just family and friends. I don't need to tell strangers about everything. I need to keep my life, my life.


So, there is the thing. How do you know what to share, and what not to share?

Do I share the funny story about my dog? It isn't personal, it isn't private. It’s funny, but do I share it? Am I ready for the comments, the judgments, the trolls and the hate? Because there is a lot of hate in this internet. People hiding behind their screens, with fake names and identities. Thinking that it is okay, it is okay, they aren't really hurting anything, right? it’s just the internet and if people can’t deal with the comments, they shouldn't be putting it out there, right?

Anything can be attacked whether it is a funny story about your dog experiencing his first snow, those are funny, or asking for prayer for a family friend.

At the same time, there are so many writers who have written from the heart and put it out there, despite what others might say or think. How many times have I read their words, looking for help, guidance or assurance that I was not the only one going through whatever it was? How many times?

I want to write things that are meaningful, that help people. I want to write things that are funny or inspirational. I want to write the kinds of things that others want to read. But I am not sure how much I want to deal with, how much of the hate and shaming and the fear do I really want to deal with?

I hope to come up with some of these answers soon, so that I can write more than just book reviews for you. I want to write more for you again.

Quick update, I am reading "Connect for Classroom Success" by R. Janet Walraven, M.Ed. and I will be reviewing it for you all when I am done. I am reading more middle grade books with my kids for their schooling, so I will be having more middle grade level reviews as well as children's chapter books. I am also querying agents for my children's book to try and get it published. The biggest hurtle with that at the moment is that I don't have an illustrator.

With regards to Tiner Bookmarks, I am still making bookmarks, however, at the moment it is more of a hobby since I am homeschooling the kids and the bookmarks take time to make. That means that there may not be too many new listings. However, you should check periodically to see what is new.

I am open to custom requests with regards to the bookmarks, but I reserve the right to refuse any request. I am not doing this to be hateful, I am doing this because there are things that are outside my abilities and I do not want to waste your time or my own, trying to do something I cannot do or that I do not have the supplies to do.

With regards to book reviews, if there is a book you would like to recommend to me, I am more than happy to hear your recommendations. If it is something I am interested in reading I will add it to a list that I keep, however, I may not be able to get a copy of the book for some time or I may have other books ahead of yours. Do not feel discouraged. I will try to read it if I can.

I hope that you will continue to enjoy the blog, and if you desire you can reach out to me on the contact page. I will answer you back as soon as I can. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope that you enjoy what is here. Have a wonderful rest of your day, stay warm and stay safe. We are all in this together. 

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